Saturday, May 8, 2010

My Thick Long Hair

Good morning guys, it's  a perfect day, the sun is shinning and I'm drinking my morning coffee while I edit this post. So I was thinking about how a lot of you ask me "How on earth do I make my hair grow so fast?" and I decided to to a quick post just to briefly explain.
So it all started when I cut my hair a few years ago pretty short. I was on a desperate need for a hair cut and I just went to some random salon in Texas and the so called "hairstylist" chopped my hair of very short because she had no clue what she was doing. She didn't know how to take directions so Yes, I was very mad and trust me I did not pay for that "haircut."
So I called my Dad (he's big on fitness, works out everyday, and knows a lot about nutrition) back in California and I told him I was sad because my long hair was  cut very short. Have in mind that I grew up in a family where having short hair is a no-go.  Plus, I have always been a fan of long hair. So to cut this long story short, my Dad recommended Omega-3 pills. I can tell you that  these pills have contributed to the fast growth of my hair.  The pills do smell gross and I'm not much of a pill talker so I hate every morning when I have to take them.
Salmon is one of the top foods to eat to achieve long thick hair, so if you can't find yourself eating sea food every day, I highly recommend the pills. Some other foods include dark green vegetables, beans, nuts, poultry, eggs, whole grains, oysters, low-fat dairy products and carrots.