Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Buffalo Exchange and Forever21 Haul

Let's start with a recap of today.  I started the day bright and early and made so bomb ass eggs and chile for breakfast for Jesse and I.  Then we grabbed a warm and pink blanket and cuddled in our new sofas while we watched the new episode of "Dexter."
That Is our show so we kinda have a weekly routine and watch Dexter along with Nip/Tuck and How I met your Mother.  Our obsession with shows began in Iraq where in out free time all we wanted to was sleep and watch t.v. That was the most relaxing thing to do out there.

Anyway, I wanted to go to Buffalo Exchange which is a trendy thrift store where they have real nice things, like designer garments and shoes and accessories. My new found love!! anyway there I got the following things shown in my blog. Enjoy and just in case you want to go to one here is the link to the store and list of stores. Only US.

Enjoy the rest of your Tuesday guys. I will upload the haul video on these things plus more tmrw during class. boo for class. That reminds me that I have to go get an outfit together...

Dulce Candy

                                          Love this owl. Suits fall just right.

Stilas Kajal eyeliner in Topaz @ Sephora for $18.00

Baby wipes from the $.99 store. Are they cute? I keep these in my makeup area for a quick spot
clean or to dampen the brush if I'm using pigments or mineral shadows.

These are form the $.99 store. I love anything Disney. They fit my personalty very well. Since I was young, I've always been into art and crafts which is why I love collecting cute pens, markers, crayons and so on...