Sunday, January 24, 2010

Red Butterflies

What I'm Wearing:
Top from downtown LA
Fashion Gal jeans and Cardigan
Forever 21 Boots
Erica Anenberg "D" Necklace
Men's watch 
Thrift Store Purse

I remember having a friend in elementary school (second grade to be exact) and she had the most beautiful soul.  Her name was Liliana. How I miss her.  She passed away in the summer when we were going to be third graders.  She went to the dentist and as she was given anesthetic, (she was given too much) her brain fell asleep and she never woke up.  I'm talking about her because as I wrote the tittle for my blog, she had written me a message on the last day of school, she wrote the word "BUTTERFLY" and it brought back memories, she was so young and she will always be in my heart.

Dulce Candy