Monday, March 22, 2010

Lux Naturals

A few months ago, I got sent all of these lovely bath indulgences from Lux Naturals.

The Bath Bombs:
-Passionfruit Rose Bath $5.00
-Moonlight Pomegranate $5.00
-Al'm and Heaven $5.00

I never purchase perfume on-line because I cant physically smell the scent, so what I really appreciate about these products is the fact that the name of each soap, bath bomb, etc..  is EXACLY the scent that the label states.  The body butters are very moisturizing and the candles are strong enough that you don't have to light them to scent up a room.  I got Herbal Lavender (because lavender is my favorite scent) for long, tired nights. 
All of their products are hand made and use absolutely no chemicals.  They use the finest oils and fragrances on their products.