Sunday, October 25, 2009

Simple Saturday

(blazer-H&M, blouse-Vintage, shorts-Vintage/DIY, thigh highs-H&M, boots-UO, jewelry-vintage, bag- vintage Bally)
I spent the day on Saturday hiding out in Borders and overdosing on fashion rags. The only magazine I actually purchased was POP, and let me say that it was well worth the $15 I spent. I absolutely loved the article on Tavi and the interview with young bloggers on the digitalization of fashion. We are at a pivotal point in fashion right now, the digital revolution is coming and it's time for the industry to embrace it. Reading the interviews was really inspiring and it rekindled some of the passion and curiosity that got lost in the stress of school, work and adult life.
I also picked up Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and Jack Kerouac's The Subterraneans. I am not really sure how I lived this long without reading Atlas Shrugged, but I guess better late than never.