Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's day in Orange


Wearing a Vintage Casper blazer, ZARA top and pants, Aldo shoes, Nexus watch, vintage purse and F21 earrings.

Today was a great Father's Day.  We celebrated today by going to the beautiful city of Malibu in CA.
The weather was great, sunny, high 80's, and crispy warm air. We bought some food and headed to the
beach to enjoy the weather and celebrate my Father.  Let me just take a few seconds to say a few words
about my Dad.  Growing up I was never close to my dad to the point where I was comfortable enough to
let him in to my deepest secrets. I never went to him for advice or to have the kind of conversations I have
with him now.  I was blesses with a great family but being a teen, I took having my Dad for granted.
Things changed when I joined the Army, my Dad gave my so much support and advice that no one gave me while I was alone and in a scary place.  I carried a picture of him in my ACU (uniform)
pocket and when ever I felt like giving up because I was mentally and physically beat, I took the
picture out and  looked at it, and as crazy and corny as this may sound, it gave me so much energy to move forward.  I
have made my Dad so proud with all of my accomplishments that I never want to let him down. Which
only makes me work harder in anything I do in life.  I can
go on forever and ever talking about my Daddy but I know this would turn in to a book eventually, so to
make this long story short, I thank God for giving me a great family and the best Dad in the WORLD.

* but Dad, seriously, I get super embarrassed when ever you talk about my Army life to strangers in front of me*
(You know how Dads are, they brag about their kids to EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE)

Don't take your family for granted and think they will always be there. Tell them you love them and never
turn your back on your parents just to make a friend happy. What I mean by that is that a lot of the time
when your growing up, you let your parents down or you do something to betray them because you want
to keep your friend (who asked you to sneak out the house to go to a party) happy. You might be too worried
about making people happy who DON'T love you and in the process you hurt the people that DO love
*and thats a lesson learned by yours truly...*