Sunday, August 30, 2009

Caught By the Wind

(dress-vintage, shoes-DP, tights- Nordstroms, belt-thrifted)
I found this dress during a recent shopping outing to the vintage stores on Haight. At first glance it looked tacky and too big, but on closer inspection I found it full of possibilities. I got rid of the tacky rhinestones that edged the collar and cut out the extra large shoulder pads. I also swapped the matching belt with this extra long brown one. To create a more modern silhouette I decided to wear the dress backwards. These small alterations made a huge difference and this dress has a new life. That is the key to vintage and thrifted items, you have to look beyond what's on the hanger and see their potential.

Tips for Vintage and Thrift Store Shopping
*Know when to save and when to save- the Goodwill and a small vintage boutique probably won't have the same thing for the same price.
*Stores like the Goodwill are good for thrifted basics and DIYs. Vintage shops are perfect for specialty items.
* Go in with a clear idea of what items you are looking for- it's easy to get overwhelmed.
* Go to the cheaper thrift stores first then move your up.

What do you guys think about the larger picture format? Should I make all my pics this size?