Monday, July 4, 2011

Lusting over....Sunday's

1. My business cards. Love that you can put a face to the card and one is less likely to part with it.
2.  "Malt" & "Without a Stitch" These are the two new nail polishes I've been wearing all month. Did these replace my obsession with minty tones? Yes, they sure did!
3. How I store all of my Lush goodies. I like how I can see everything I have so I never forget it. 
4. My Nook. This is where I keep all of my inspirational books which help me grow as a person. But I'm also guilty of reading gossip magazines such as US Weekly :)
5.  Colorful shoes samples that might be available at my store. Ya like?
6. New J.Crew sweater. Perfect amount of glitz.
7. Jewelry organizer. This is where I keep my favorite jewelry pieces displayed. I try to rotate them monthly and keep everything else stored away in drawers.