Sunday, January 9, 2011

Izek's Baby Shower

My "twin" sister Ivette. 
Everyone says we look alike. I see it sometimes. Anyway, I  don't think you guys have met her before but here she is. I've never been so close to anyone like her. She's the only person who knows all my secrets and I trust her with everything. I love her. She's my other half. 

Hey  dolls!
Remember I tweeted yesterday morning that I had a gut feeling that I was going to have a surprise baby shower? Well guess what? I did!! There is just no deceiving me ha ha. The baby shower was held at my parents house which is about 45 minutes away from where Jesse and I live. On the way there I was trying to trick Jesse into telling me by fibbing and saying that my sister told me the “truth” but he didn’t fall for it. LOL  Anyway, my family and friends were all there and I was extremely happy because it was all about Izek. He got so much attention. Wendy and Jesse took tons of pictures and I want to give them all the credit for documenting the party J because I will always have these pictures to look back on.

If you were wondering what I was wearing, I wore a Forever 21 ruffled top because it’s the most flattering top I own for these last few weeks were my tummy is at its largest.  I paired it with a Forever 21 jacket, Target tights (with the elastic cut off), and my new favorite boots by Matiko. As far as accessories, I wore my gold Hamsa necklace and satin Hamsa bracelet along with a Merona for Target black watch and my Louis Vuitton speedy 30.

Pregnancy Update:
- 9 Months pregnant! 36 weeks as of today (1 more month to go!!!).
- Passed my 4 hour glucose test ( I knew I was, there’s no way I was going to have diabetes).
- I do not have Cystic Fibrosis (I only carry the gene)
- Jesse does not have the Cystic Fibrosis gene or the disease .
- Trying to be more active now days but I’m SUPER tired, all I want to do is lay down and sleep.
-Total weight gain is 27lbs (I love every pound…and so does the hubby. I’m his cute little fat whale.)
- No stretch marks (even though every one swore I was going to get them by my sixth month) thanks to my Mama Mio lotion and oil
- Excited and ready to bring my little baby into this world with a natural delivery. Si Dios quiere.

Oh and guess what??!!!
Jesse and I finally got a house! We are so exited because Izek gets to have his own nursery.  I’m having so much fun putting ideas together for his room.
Anyway, all I did today was pack up  a few things (I’m taking it real slow and not picking up heavy things) and hopefully by the end of this week we are all packed up and ready to move.  Tomorrow were going over to the house to paint a few rooms because I want to make sure the house doesn’t smell like paint by the time Izek gets here. Aside from that,  I’m also very happy because I still get to turn one of the bedrooms into my closet and  I also get to have another room in which I’m going to turn it into an office. Ugh, I’m just too exited but I will show you guys pictures of the house in a future post.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Dulce Candy and Baby