This very hot afternoon Jesse and I took a trip to an ultrasound clinic. We have both wanted to know the sex of the baby as soon as we found out we were expecting. Of course, that was impossible 13 weeks ago but now that I’m almost 21 weeks we are now 200% sure of the baby’s sex. A lot of you were right on the money and so was I.
So guess what?! ………..
It’s a BOY!!!!!
(Jesse and my Dad are BEYOND happy since Jesse really wanted a boy and my Dad had all girls so me having this boy is what he always wanted. Grandpa is going to spoil my little Izek, I already know).
The doctor did a 3D ultrasound at our request because we wanted to see in as much detail our lovely little baby. As soon as the doctor started the ultrasound and I mean -as soon as- she said it was a boy. There were no second guesses.
During the whole time, baby Izek (Jesse and I fell in love with that name) was jumping, moving, kicking, and dancing (pretty much). The doctor said he’s wild one haha. The baby looked great, had every little toe and every little finger in place. I feel like I am the luckiest woman in this planet right now. I am so thankful that God gave me Izek. I can’t wait to hold him in my arms for the first time.
I know a lot of you though I wanted a girl because of all the girly things I do but when you’re expecting all you want is a healthy baby. I had such a strong gut feeling it was going to be a boy, so I started treating my belly as if that was the case and look at me now, with a little boy in my tummy.
We are still trying to find a middle name for the baby. Something to roll off your tongue easily when you pronounce Izek (I love the way it’s spelled)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my baby pictures because I certainly go through our ultrasound DVD like water in the dessert.
Thank you so much for all the comments on Twitter and Facebook about my pregnancy, I feel so lucky to have all of this support from all of you. It feels great to know you guys are just as excited as I am. I will start pregnancy videos on youtube, I already have one lined up. If you guys have any request please let me know.
Dulce Candy