Labor Day weekend was great! On Friday Jesse, my friend Maribel, her husband Ray
and I went to go see the Dodgers play their all time rival team, the Giants. It was a good
game and of course the Dodgers won :) Never have I ever seen Jesse so pumped up
at a game before (besides Laker games). He even came out on T.V.!
On Monday I went over to my parents house for a family dinner and some shopping
with my Mom and Wendy. I wore Zara pants, Primark shoes (from London), Louis
Vuitton purse, and a Forever 21 top with my Tiffany Key.
By the way, can you see my baby bump starting to show already? Some people
have said I'm too small for 5 months, but I'm really not. I've put on 9 pounds already
and for my frame I shall only put on 10 more. Also, yesterday was a huge milestone
because I'm half way through my pregnancy, & I felt my baby
move for the first time. It has been the happiest I've ever been! To know my
little turkey is active and actually realizing that there IS a baby inside of me.
So magical I tell you. Well until next time.
Dulce Candy