This past weekend I went to Cork, Ireland to visit my dear friend Anna from The Style Diet on Youtube. I was
so excited to meet her for the first time, along with her fiancee Jonathan and Albi. Jonathan picked up
my friends and I at the airport and we made our way to their house were Anna had a lovely and simple
breakfast. I just can't describe how amazing she was too all of us. We immediately made a fast connection
since we had a billion things in common. We headed over the a wild life "Zoo" were we got to see the
animals up and close and not behind cages. Jonathan then made all of us a lovely and DELICIOUS dinner that
ended our night because my friends and I were extremely tired since we all got little to no sleep the previous
night (2AM wake up call). The following day they took us around town for a bit of sight seeing. Guess what!?
We found a cute little Mexican restaurant. YUM YUM! But not authentic of course. Beyond all, my trip to Ireland was great, in fact, I'm going back soon before I go back to the states to hang out in Dublin and watch
Paranormal Activity 2 with Anna. Gosh I miss Albi like CRAZY!!!! He is such a character with an awesome
personality. Albi reminds me of my two little Pomeranians :( which I miss dearly. Thanks to ALL of you who
thought about Gizmoe who recently got really sick and had to spend the night at the hospital with an IV :(
I was so sad that I wasn't able to be there for him, and those of you with pets know what I'm talking about.
So anyway, here are a few videos that Jonathan recorded, don't forget to check out his channel and the Vlog
that Anna and I filmed. Haha we are so goofy!