My growing hair..
Im wearing a Primark pullover and tights, River Island shoes, Erica Anenberg necklace, and Casio watch
Can you recognize the wall in the second picture from the Harry Potter movie?
This past Monday was spent in the lovely college town of Cambridge in England.
The day started bright and early as we rode the hour long train ride with our
hot chocolate and sandwiches on our hands. Once we finally got there we went on a tour of the city, but by Canoe. It was wonderful feeling the cool breeze of the
water hit our face.
After that, Morgan and I (in pictures) went shopping, like always.
It's so crazy because every time we go shopping we always end up buying the same
things lol e.i. the shoes in this post. So you guys will be seeing a lot more from her.
If you haven't followed her on Twitter, click here :)
Also, my friends and I are going to Ireland this Friday so I'm meeting up with
Anna (StyleDiet on Youtube) and Jonathan!!! How awesome! I am so excited and a bit nervous to meet them.
Stay safe loves, and thanks for sticking with me through my journey and understanding
that I can't upload video or post as I'm used to in the States, but that will change once
I'm back by the end of September.
Pregnancy Update:
I'm 11 weeks pregnant and my belly is now 30 inches all around. Keep in mind that
11 weeks ago I was 22 inches. WOW! But, another good thing about being preggo
is that my hair grows faster than the speed of light LOL no, seriously.
So till next time, expect pictures from my trip to Ireland. Lots of pics with Anna.
Dulce Candy