What Im wearing:
ZARA shirt
"Christian Louboutins"
Forever21 Necklace
So as I promised, I am going to start a series on how to wear over the knee boots.
I personally don't find them to hard to wear, you just have to have the right clothing to go with it.
One thing that I would stay away from is denim or fluffy skirts. I try to keep everything else nice and lean.
The thing I love about over the knee boots is that they make me appear very, VERY tall (being 4'9'').
Next episode I will wear them with either jeans or shorts, but here a great tunic is the way to go.
REMEMBER: Be yourself and add your own style. I could care less if people say I match or not. Just remember that they are not the ones wearing this. What ever makes you happy is what truly matters.
So I just Tweeted that one of my "pet peeves is when people try to school you on how to dress when they themselves have no clue. ITS CALLED PERSONAL STYLE!"
I tweeted this after i had a lot of people try and tell me that I shouldn't mix gold and silver. Firstly, when I wear something, its because I love it, not because I'm trying to please people and "be accepted" One thing I despite is "Rules in Fashion" and people trying to tell ME how to dress. Being different is about thinking outside the box. If I one day decide to dress and style my outfit like if I was going on a runway, the same people who tell me that gold and silver don't go are the same people who don't understand high fashion. They would think I was crazy. One thing about me is that I'm always myself and I don't change and I'm not fake just to please someone. NO ONE can tell you that your own personal style is wrong.
Here is the lovely Fergie wearing the same boots on her first performance of the night at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009