Last night Jesse and I were suppose to go watch "The Lovely Bones" but he was tired so we woke up this Saturday morning and we hit up the movie theater on Sunset Blvd.
(I will talk more about this movie down below)
As we were coming out and heading towards the car, we had to go down some steps. It was rainy and slippery all over the place and as we were heading down the stairs I thought to my self: "I should hold on to his arm, so I don't slip and fall down the stairs and bust my ass." and I did, but lil did I know that HE was going to be the one to slip, so he slipped and fell about 8 steps down and landed on his back hella hard. I was OMG babe, are you ok!!?? He's a tough guy and he sucked it up even though he couldn't even walk or talk. Shame on me, I laughed so hard because he looked pretty funny. So he got mad at me for laughing and I apologized. Poor baby, I gave him Ibuprofen and made him hot chocolate once we got home so hopefully he feels better tomorrow.
I finally got my Myley Cyrus/ Max Azria blazer and top yesterday that I bought from, so I decided to wear it this morning. I was not happy with the quality of the blazer ( it was a knit, a VERY thin knit).. will shop top on future post.
Black Top: Ross
Blazer: Miley Cyrus & Max Azria
Sequin Leggings: Forever21
Biker Boots: Forever21
Messenger Bag: Forever21
Necklace: Forever21
Pin: Walmart
What a cloudy day in Hollywood, I can only love the clouds so much.

"My name is Salmon, like the fish. First name Susie..."- The Lovely bones
So the movie theater in Hollywood on Sunset was the only one playing "The Lovely Bones"
so we took a 4 min drive and go there, excited as can be.
I first came across this book back in 2005 when I was a senior in High School and one of my friends recommended it. I bought a hard cover at the book store and read the book, I fell in love and I said to my self that I wish one day they make a movie of this book. My dream came true yesterday and even more today when I saw the movie.
I bought the same book again, (this time paper back) when I was waiting in the airport waiting to board my flight back to Ft. Hood Texas. I knew I had this book, but I loved it so much that it didn't hurt me to buy it again.
I wont spoil the movie, it was great and I can't wait until comes out on DVD so I can buy it and play it as many times as I want to. The book is definitely better because the movie left out a lot from the book. Like the part were Mr. Harvey kills her and when she says her final words before she dies.
Enjoy the movie and let me know how you like it.

Dulce Candy