Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Being Broke and Fashion

Being broke and addicted to fashion is a bad combination. I decided to forgo working this winter quarter so I could take on a larger course load in school. Now, having already overspent for the month of February, I am left wondering; what I am going to do when I graduate UCSC, move to San Francisco, and my parents cut me off?  
With the current economic state my field, psychology (which falls into healthcare and education), is doomed to experience significant cut backs on funding and employment opportunities. It seems that my only hope will be to go to community college and get my ECE so I can be a full time pre-school teacher. This, however, is not my idea of a good time- especially since I will be graduating after four grueling years in the intense psychology program and having done more psych internships and research than I can count. I feel that my love for fashion will have to take a back seat to the realities of life after college. I think now more than ever it is important to buy items that are timeless and can withstand trends and seasons.
I am scared. 
Any advice?