Thursday, February 3, 2011

Meet Baby Izek

Name: Izek Ruiz
January 27 2011
5lbs 2 oz.
19 inches
3:18 PM

One week old, doesn't he have his daddy's lips? 

Today at his first doctors appointment

         The day started just like any other day, still thinking I had a few more days to go until the big day came. I went to bed and about 4:30 in the morning I started to get painful cramps that kept me tossing and turning all night. I finally got out of bed at 9am and noticed I had what they call a “bloody show”, that pumped my heart with excitement because I was almost sure that Izek was going to be born that night.  I also had a doctor’s appointment at 9 that morning and my doctor told me I wasn’t dilated at all and that the baby was not due until a week from that day. I was disappointed because Jesse and I wanted Izek here already. Anyway the day dragged and the contractions kept getting closer and closer together. I was in so much pain and could not be bothered. When they say labor hurts, I think they mean the contractions because to me, even pushing him out was painless.I went to bed hoping they would go away but they only got worse. I tried sleeping sitting up, on a rocking chair, on my side, every position you can think of to elevate the pain but nothing worked. Jesse encouraged me to walk around the house holding on to his waist every few minutes to ease the pain, and while it did help little bit I still could not get even a few minutes of sleep. By this time it was 4 am on January 27 and we rushed to the emergency room, I threw up on the way over, they checked me in, I was a fingertip dilated and now ready to just have him. They gave me medication to ease the contractions but at the same time to make them come sooner.  A few hours later they gave me an epidural and soon after that at 3 PM I started to push! With in 5 minutes and 5 pushes out comes my little baby  I was so overwhelmed with emotions and could just not believe what I went through.  They quickly cleaned him up and put him on top of me to breast-feed. How he knew that he had to latch on will always be a mystery to me.
I can honestly tell you that since giving birth I want more kids now, and sooner. So will see how things go and hopefully we can give him a sibling in the next two years.

Jesse was beyond supportive the whole time. He was there through everything and made the experience so much easier for me.  You should of seen his face when Izek was born, I’ve never seen him so proud. He spends his free time just starring at him(and of course so do I).
He was born 5lbs. 2oz. 19 inches long and with a lot of fine hair all over his body. Sadly, half of it its gone already . He’s the cutest thing ever. I’m glad we had a small photo session at the hospital the first day he was born so I can show him when hes older how he looked when he wasn’t even 24 hrs old. 
He’s a week old today and almost 6 lbs, just getting chubbier and cuter by the day. He’s also a sleeper and does not cry at all, unless I change his diaper (he got circumcised). Other than that I have to be the one to wake him up to eat. And since I’m breast-feeding it has to be every 2-3 hrs.
Well anyway, I’m excited to share with you my little man. I’m so happy and excited to be a mother. Jesse and I are learning so much as we go. So thank you so much for all the kind and loving comments on Twitter.  I tried to check in as much as I could even while I was having contractions. LOL.

I took my Annie & Isabel hospital gown and all the RN’s were totally loving it. It feels good to put on something cute after all the hours of labor.

 having a contraction in this picture, still managed to take a picture 
Timing my contractions

 Pushing for Izek to come out
Daddy waiting anxiously 
With the infamous Annie gown everyone commented on. Here I was at the NICU with Izek.

 Best hospital food I've had may I add

Dulce Candy