Monday, August 9, 2010

Photo Booth Fun

Week 14 is finally here!
I threw up for the first time ever last Friday when Jesse picked me up at LAX. I was feeling car sick and then it all came out! Gross right!? Also, that Friday night while I was in the shower I looked down on my feet as I was shaving and noticed that my ankles looked chubby and to my surprise, my ankles got swollen. My plane left London and landed in the USA (North Caroline) 8 hours later and then I had a 5 hour flight from the East Coast to the West Coast, indeed a long and exhausting day. The large amount of hours might have contributed to the swelling of my feet, but I'm sure my pregnancy is at fault too since this has never happened to me before. Anyway, I'm back in Los Angeles filming videos which brought all these pictures since I needed a good thumbnail for my "Back to School Dance" makeup tutorial. Do you like? 
I also took a picture of my baby bump which looks a bit bigger than it usually is because of the type of the dress I'm wearing. Jesse was like "Wait, you're not that big!" Jesse also says he finds me sexier, LOL. I didn't know baby bumps could do that haha 
So i might start doing more pregnancy updates for all you ladies that can relate to me right now.
Until next time!

Dulce Candy