Monday, March 8, 2010

How do You feel about Fur?

Hey guys, I would really appreciate it of you guys took some time to answer these questions and either answer here.(answers can be short and sweet)

1. Where do you stand on fur?
2. Do you think that animals have rights?
3. Do you think that animals are for us to wear?
4. There is a Dog and Car fur trade in China, would you still wear their fur?
5. Why do you or don’t live a fur free life?
6. Do you wear fur because it’s a fashion statement?
7. Are you aware of what it takes to create one fur coat? 
8. Do you feel that be wearing a fur coat (even if you didn’t purchase it) your supporting this trade?
9. Would you vote against outlawing the making of fur coats?
10. Do you think fur farming is wrong?
11. Should we still be using fur for clothing?
12.  Do you care about the animals being killed?
13.  Are you vegan or vegetarian?
14.  Do you support Burberrys coats?
15.  Will you continue to buy fur even though innocent animals are being suffocated, gassed, poisoned, or annely electrocuted? 

Just leave me your name with the state that you live in.
First 20 people to answer by 10pm PCT  Tuesday March 9th are going to be raffled for a $20 gift card to Forever 21

Dulce Candy