I visited my parents again today (Halloween) because I had another shopping day with my mom. I got a bunch of cute things from Fashion gal, American Apparel, and a pair of True Religion jeans that I've been eyeing for 3 months now. I will do a haul but at the end of the month. I know I have been doing so many hauls lately that I need to put in more creative tutorials in so feel free to leave request down below. Fashion and Makeup and so on.. I had a girl tweet me and ask me to really tell her where I work. (my other jobs) I cannot mention. I said that its something you don't ask and I'm not obligated to say my place of business. I doesn't matter where I work because my hauls are not to "brag". I've bought so many things that I have never "hauled" on Youtube before. I only show what I know other girls might like so they can go out there and get it themselves too. Just like I love watching hauls so I can go to the mall or wherever and buy it myself. I don't really want to get into this but I will haul less often because the last thing I want to do is make someone feel bad because they can afford certain things. I know how that feels, trust me. I grew up wanting clothes and makeup (superficial things) and not being able to have them. In high school there were always girls with all kinds of cute things that I always wanted and never had. That is why you study hard and work hard so you can treat yourself and the people you love to things you could never have. My advice is not to worry too much about that. I know its hard, were girls and we love having new things. Trust me , no one cares what you wear in school. Next day they won't even remember. Get good grades an be above everyone else. It will pay off.

Hazel below with me. (I'm her favorite aunt!) ....i better be jk

Heres a picture of wendy in my costume. I didn't dress up pr do anything special this yeas as well as the past 4 years of my life. I has nothing to do with my age because even when I'm 60, i think I would still want to dress up. Anyway since i joined the Army, I haven't celebrated any holiday like I use to when I was growing up. Even Christmas. I did Wendy's makeup and on her back it said Made in China. That got a lot of laughs. (We all went shopping before hand).