Oooh the picture quality is yucky...I'm standing in front of Bryant Park In NYC!! For those of you that dont know, I went to NY for Fashion Week to attend the Ports 1961 fashion Show, and my gosh did I have an AMAZING TIME. I love the New Yorkers because they just mind their bussiness and are soo nice. Well at least all the ones I met :) Since I had a seat for the show my hubby (Jesse) and I decided to make this a mini vacation( We needed one SO bad) Well anyway that same day it was Fashions Night out and OMG BEST SHOPPING DAY EVER! I got to see Michael Kors release his new perfume in Macys and did alto of shopping. I also went to Zara( ive been wanting to go there for the longest) but sadly I couldn't find a thing i liked. We ended or second night in a bar drinking it up. I HATE drinking but you know what, once in a while its OK for me. I just hate feeling all sick and ish. The Bar that we went to is called Latitude and I LOVED IT. The bartender was so nice and he made me a special " Sex on the Beach" which is now my official drink. I loved New York SO much that in 3 year Jesse and I are moving there. At least for like 3 years or so. Its just part of the fashion latter. Your start in Los Angeles and then you move to New York and then PARIS! ha ha cant wait till THAT day comes. I was also so inspired by the street style the girls and guys have. definitely diffrent from LA. Well enjoy the pictures i took and I encourage you guys to travel. You only live ONCE.