Hello my lovely readers! Today I have something very special
to offer you. I am hosting my very own contest and giving away this amazing Mink Pink vest. This baby is a pretty trendy item right now but if styled the right way it can definitely last through the seasons.

To enter the contest you must leave a comment with the word VEST at the top and a few reasons descrbing why you like this piece. You must be a U.S. resident (sorry!). I will run the contest for 15 days and you can leave up to three comments per person on this post. At the end of the contest I will use a randomizer to generate the winning comment. If you do not have a blog where I can contact you, please leave your email.
If the winner's size in this particular item is no longer available, the winner will be able to choose any item from this designer. Thank you for understanding and good luck!
Mink Pink
I am also really happy to announce the Chictopia Clothing Swap/Blogger Meet Up.
If you are in the Bay Area come out and meet me and the rest of the Chictopia team.
I would really love to meet my fellow bloggers, so please come. We will have drinks, great clothing to swap and who knows maybe you'll make a new friend.
July 25th, Dolores Park, 2:00 to 5:00pm by the tennis courts.