( I am a winner of last week's contest on Weardrobe.com there are some pictures and an interview if any one cares to take a look, www.weardrobe.com/goodies I won for my Fat Kid Just Chills post picture.)
In morning you are blank canvas and you decide what you want to project to the world. Clothes allow the world to subjectively interpret who you are but fashion and its subcultures allow you to control what is conveyed. We can be so lucky as to reinvent ourselves everyday and completely fool anyone's and everyone's notions of who we are. Fashion can be a tool to escape or reinvent reality. Marie Antoinette and her court escaped the destruction and poverty overtaking the country by creating a facade of opulence and luxury. Cinderella escaped servitude with the help of fairy god mother who transforms Cinderella into a clean, beautiful, well dressed lady (the prince does not fall in love with her by virtue of her wit but is captivated by her external appearance which is a false reality).
Fashion allows us to become who ever we may choose. For anyone who loves literature, the steampunk and cyberpunk movements have spawned with them concurrent fashion that reflects the Victorian aspects of steampunk and the sci-fi/technological aspects of cyberpunk.
In Japan the Lolita subculture originating in 1970's has allowed anyone interested in looking like a doll to escape into a gothic Lolita or a sweet Lolita look.

If the reality of being simply human is not enough and an ageless, immortal doll is more your style, come hither and embrace the Lolita, yet stay true to fashion and change with no avail into a post-apocalyptic survivor ready to battle human extinction...( Why? Well, why not?)

Or how about just escaping into a fantasy of real life, pretending you are not living the life you really are...I am not really a soon to be college grad, out in the workforce, a day closer to inevitable extinction am I? I reinvent myself day to day, I use the trappings of fashion to cultivate a sense that I am more than just a human, an individual like all the others.