It's a Monday afternoon and I sit here editing this post because guess what?! I have no class today!! Yay for me! So Let me tell you how much fun Jesse and I had with
Sonias family at Disneyland yesterday. I believe the last time I went to Disney was
back when I was 12 years old. So it was really nice to just enjoy the hot weather
and get on all the kiddy rides. Jesse and I rode "Splash Mountain" which is
probably the scariest ride at the resort and as we took the humid 50 foot plunge
towards the end, his new hat flew off and we got drenched with all that chlorine
filled water. Mind you I'm still sick :(
Anyway, since I didn't get a chance to post the pictures of Hazel and I, I posted
them towards the end. Gosh, I love that fat nugget!
I hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!! Thank you for all the memorial
day wishes on Twitter this morning.
I'll be working on a fashion post for tonight (outfit) so don't feel discouraged since
the outfit I took to Disney was far from "fashionable". All I was worried about was
being comfy.
Dulce Candy